Posthuman in Han Song’s Science Fiction The Conflict and Negotiation between the Individual and the System

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Yan Dong


This paper examines the posthuman in Han Song’s science fiction. It argues that ‘posthuman’ here not merely refers to physically transformed human beings, but signifies also a group of people unable to demonstrate the attribute of individuality. Based on a study of Han Song’s Ditie (Subway) (2010), Gaotie (High-speed Railway) (2012), and Hongse haiyang (Red Ocean) (2004), this paper demonstrates how Han Song conjoins humanism, the nation-state, and scientism to consider the posthuman era as an inevitable civilizational stage.


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Dong, Y. “Posthuman in Han Song’s Science Fiction: The Conflict and Negotiation Between the Individual and the System”. Literature and Modern China, vol. 3, no. 1, June 2024, doi:10.54591/EFUK1218.


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